Item 200 – #TwitterCongaLine

(COLLABORATIVE) Virtual conga time! We’re starting a virtual Twitter conga line. Here are the rules, so read carefully: Step 1. Make a video of yourself dancing the conga. Step 2. Click here and go to the end of the thread of our original tweet. Step 3. Reply to the LAST reply on the thread with your video and tag it #TwitterCongaLine, #GISH, and the handles of 3+ friends. Get as many people as you can to participate, but make sure you and all of your friends reply ONLY to the MOST RECENT tweet at the end of the thread. If someone else has commented, comment on THEIR post instead. Capiche? We can’t wait to see what a train wreck this will be. Submit your original conga video with a link to your Tweet in the comments. Note: This is a fully inclusive conga line. Dance in any way that works for you, by your own definition – in a chair, through an avatar, etc — if you’re dancing in your heart, it counts.

Behind the scenes

Item 191 – Lost in Translation Karaoke Night

(UP TO 2 MINUTES) It’s International Lost in Translation Karaoke night & you’re up next! Choose an English-language song and translate it into at least 3 different languages using Google Translate, then back to English (a language with some of the most arbitrary rules and inconsistencies on the planet). Then sing the resulting lyrics. (Example: English -> Russian -> Russian -> Gaelic -> Gaelic -> English. Got it? Good.) Please caption this video with the final English lyrics.— inspired by Rebekah D.

Item 153 – Burn Your Secret

(PUZZLE) You know that there are
some things I still can’t tell you
one day / you will / k n o w.

Solved puzzle: Compose a poem about a secret you hold. Burn it and be free. Submit the slow-motion of your poem going up in flames. We should see the poem, and then the secret slowly being burned. You must be safe when you do this – burn it in a location such as a fireplace where there is no chance of it causing a fire, and have a fire extinguisher on hand just in case. Changed from Timelapse to Slow Motion (If you have already uploaded you will still get points.)