Item 156 – Uncage Willie Simmons – Origami Dove

In our most recent mini-hunt, we wrote letters to Willie Simmons, a man who has been jailed in Alabama for 38 years over a matter of a $9 robbery. He’s still in prison, despite good behavior, a clear victim of the inequities of the for-profit incarceration system in the United States. Let’s do something about that. Send an origami dove to Gov. Kay Ivey (600 Dexter Ave, Montgomery, AL 36130). On it, write a quote about justice and “Uncage Willie Simmons.

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Item 21 – Book Cover Dress-Up

Dress up like a character on a book cover and set up your environment so it’s a perfect replica of the book cover, except for one catch: the original book you’re replicating is also in your photo where we can clearly see it. – Inspired by Victoria M.

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GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 8 – Teach a Child a Skill over Videoconference

Find a friend with a child and teach that child something you’re an expert in (pottery making, how to play an instrument, drawing, rocket science, and thermodynamics, etc.) over video conference. Send us a screengrab of you teaching the child… or if it’s a skill, send a video of you doing the skill and then the child doing the skill.

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Item 203 – The Very Hungry Asserpillar

Before he was an Assbutt, our 2019 GISH Mascot was an Asserpillar. Illustrate or create a page from the award-winning children’s book The Very Hungry Asserpillar. (As you know from reading the book, each page features an important life lesson or moral, so make sure yours does, too.)

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Item 19 – Face Your Fears

CALLING ALL GISHERS: There’s one Thing you have always wanted to do, but you’re scared. Maybe it’s skydiving, riding a motorcycle, holding a tarantula, singing in public, or cliff diving… You get the idea. By the end of GISH week at least 3 gishers on your team will spit in the eye of fear, vanquish it and do their Thing. Submit a video compilation of each member of your team first explaining what they are scared to try (before they do it) and then, after they Do the Thing, telling us how it went.

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Item 161 – LaChappelle Recreation

David LaChapelle is a renowned experimental photographer known for his kitsch-pop surrealist style. Recreate a well-known painting as a photograph in the style of David LaChappelle. Somewhere in your image there must be a banana, and you may not depict The Last Supper. (2X Bonus: get Dave Chappelle to star in your David LaChapelle homage.)

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