Item 200 – #TwitterCongaLine

(COLLABORATIVE) Virtual conga time! We’re starting a virtual Twitter conga line. Here are the rules, so read carefully: Step 1. Make a video of yourself dancing the conga. Step 2. Click here and go to the end of the thread of our original tweet. Step 3. Reply to the LAST reply on the thread with your video and tag it #TwitterCongaLine, #GISH, and the handles of 3+ friends. Get as many people as you can to participate, but make sure you and all of your friends reply ONLY to the MOST RECENT tweet at the end of the thread. If someone else has commented, comment on THEIR post instead. Capiche? We can’t wait to see what a train wreck this will be. Submit your original conga video with a link to your Tweet in the comments. Note: This is a fully inclusive conga line. Dance in any way that works for you, by your own definition – in a chair, through an avatar, etc — if you’re dancing in your heart, it counts.

Behind the scenes

Item 2 – Carry On Wayward Son Distanced Sing-Along

COLLABORATIVE. (UP TO ONE MINUTE) Carry on and on and on, wayward son! Using the provided backing track, record yourself singing along to Kansas’ classic anthem “Carry On Wayward Son” while holding a sign with your team name on it. You should have at least 5 physically-distanced people singing along with you — the more singers, the merrier.

Item 32 – YOU-rovision

(UP TO 30 SECONDS) Eurovision got canceled, but who needs it? YOU-rovision is here now. Write and perform an original, uplifting song of hope using instruments of your own creation. The 3 teams whose songs we like best will be featured on our GISH YouTube Channel and social media, so that’s basically the exact same level of fame and fortune as Eurovision used to be.

Item 27 – National Anthem Milk Gargle

Let’s see you Zoom an acapella concert of you and some or all of your teammates doing perfectly synchronized (meaning you all start at the same moment) ‘gargling’ of milk for exactly 10 seconds of whatever your national anthem might be. – Inspired by Ashtynn A.