Item 200 – #TwitterCongaLine

(COLLABORATIVE) Virtual conga time! We’re starting a virtual Twitter conga line. Here are the rules, so read carefully: Step 1. Make a video of yourself dancing the conga. Step 2. Click here and go to the end of the thread of our original tweet. Step 3. Reply to the LAST reply on the thread with your video and tag it #TwitterCongaLine, #GISH, and the handles of 3+ friends. Get as many people as you can to participate, but make sure you and all of your friends reply ONLY to the MOST RECENT tweet at the end of the thread. If someone else has commented, comment on THEIR post instead. Capiche? We can’t wait to see what a train wreck this will be. Submit your original conga video with a link to your Tweet in the comments. Note: This is a fully inclusive conga line. Dance in any way that works for you, by your own definition – in a chair, through an avatar, etc — if you’re dancing in your heart, it counts.

Behind the scenes

Item 70 – #CarbonCrush

(SIDE-BY-SIDE) We all brag about our social media follower count, but what we should really be bragging about is our (low) carbon footprint. Let’s make a game out of it: Calculate your carbon footprint. The calculator will also provide you with the number of trees you’d need to plant per year to offset your footprint. Post your carbon footprint and the number of “offset trees” on your social media (with the link above in the post as well) tagging 3 friends and challenging them to play #GISH #CarbonCrush with you. Write a one paragraph post describing how you will decrease your carbon footprint by 15% in the next year. Then, on your honor, after the hunt, implement your plan.

Item 193 – MishaBot Chat

People I text with accuse me of being a “bot”, even though I’m not a bot! But in the interest of giving the people what they want, I’ve developed the latest in cutting-edge technology, MishaBot. It’s dispensing nuggets of wisdom the likes of which I have only ever dreamed of and is at least twice as “cognitively there” as Donald Trump. Follow the Twitter account and get it to reply to you or mention your team name. Submit a screenshot of what I’m sure will be a compelling conversation.

Behind the Scenes

Item 50 – #GISHEpicPoems

Every Gisher has the soul of an epic poet, and we can prove it. Each member of your team should write one line of an epic poem on social media about overcoming hardship so that it flows brilliantly as a cohesive piece.

The Captain of your team should post this as the first line of your poem: “We’ve got work to do… #GISHEpicPoems”

Then, each active member of your team should chime in with a subsequent line (and ONLY one line) of poetry in a threaded post, each tagging #GISHEpicPoems.

At the end, the Captain should post: “But nothing ever really ends… does it? #GISHEpicPoems” and tag another team to continue the thread.

If your team is tagged by another team, continue the thread with Step A.

Your poem may not be about any fandom or feature any pop culture characters. Submit an image of your finished poem and then also submit it HERE in text. (If any of your teammates cannot access your team’s chosen platform due to censorship or restrictions in their country of origin, and you have no other social media platform options that are fully inclusive, the Team Captain may post the line they have authored in their stead and tag it with the author’s username.)

Item 8 – Follow Panelists on Social Media

“If you’re inspired by them, follow any or all our Racial Inequality & Injustice panelists on social media and submit an image or grid of screenshots proving you’re following. Following one person on your team gets you 15 points. If one person on your team follows everyone and submits a grid of screenshots – or a single screenshot – proving they’re following all the panelists, your team can receive up to 90 points..

Daryl Davis

Baratunde Thurston

Rev. Deborah Johnson

Briona Jenkins

GISHMAS 2019 – Item 24 – Garland Tug-of-War

Garland tug-of-war with at least 14 people in festive GISHMAS wear participating. The more, the merrier. (You should probably recruit random strangers for this.)

Mario, Jenny, and Megan

GISHMAS 2019 – Item 23 – Menstrual Product Wreath

Create a wreath out of menstrual products still in their wrappings (don’t open them or damage them!) and other necessities and deliver it to a domestic violence or homeless shelter.


GISHMAS 2019 – Item 21 – String Light Message

Jensen Ackles had some THINGS to say this year about tangled holiday lights. Use holiday strand lights to spell out a message you’ve always wanted to say to someone in letters at least 5 feet high.
