Item 205 – Your Magic Feather

My mom loves elephants and her favorite is Dumbo. As you might remember, Dumbo has a “magic feather,” which he uses as an external emblem of his own intrinsic powers. Create your own “magic” symbol or object to help remind you of your own superpowers or special skills and show us a picture of you with it in “use.”

Item 201 – Global Quilting Bee

(COLLAGE) We’re all connected and we all deserve a space in the fabric of society, so we’re inviting you to contribute your square to Beeline’s 2021 GISH Global Quilting Bee. Create a square piece of art with your team’s personal message of global connection and unity to the world. You may use any medium: Photoshop, hand-drawn, needlepoint, oil on canvas, etc. Collage all of your team’s images into a single, high resolution (300dpi), square image and submit it to us for inclusion in the Great GISH Beeline Blankie.

Item 191 – Lost in Translation Karaoke Night

(UP TO 2 MINUTES) It’s International Lost in Translation Karaoke night & you’re up next! Choose an English-language song and translate it into at least 3 different languages using Google Translate, then back to English (a language with some of the most arbitrary rules and inconsistencies on the planet). Then sing the resulting lyrics. (Example: English -> Russian -> Russian -> Gaelic -> Gaelic -> English. Got it? Good.) Please caption this video with the final English lyrics.— inspired by Rebekah D.

Item 190 – Catchafire Virtual Volunteer Work

The most precious thing you can offer up to change the world is your time. Sign up here for at least ONE virtual volunteer opportunity & on your honor, donate at least one hour of your time before 2022. Submit a screenshot of the Catchafire welcome email as proof of completion.