There’s an old Roger Miller song that has the following lyrics: Ya can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to, Ya can’t take a shower in a parakeet cage, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to, Well, ya can’t go a-swimmin’ in a baseball pool, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to, Ya can’t drive around with a tiger in your car, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to, Ya can’t go fishin’ in a watermelon patch, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to… Now you’ll notice that the song has the upbeat refrain: You can be happy, if you’ve a mind to, but I think the overarching message is quite negative. He’s telling people over and over what they CAN’T do, and nothing drives me crazier than that kind of pessimistic messaging. Let’s prove Roger Miller wrong and do one of the things his song tells us we can’t (be careful, please, especially with the buffalo and tigers.). Set your video to music. The music, of course, should be the corresponding section of the Roger Miller song we are discussing.