GISH App Challenge #5: GISH Bond

IMAGE. It’s easy to be convinced by life that we share nothing in common with people when we might be surprised by how alike we really are. Using the GEOGISH map in your app, connect with a Gisher who lives at least 500 miles from you that you do not already know (we are TRUSTING you on this, so no cheating or you lose 43,893 karma points). Direct message them on the app and try to identify the most startling, weird, unexpected, odd and happily surprising commonality you share. It can be an experience, personality trait, hidden talent, hobby, trait, anything, etc.

Celebrate your commonality on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and/or Tumblr) by posting two images side-by-side of both of you that exemplify your commonality. In the copy of the post, write a short description of this freakish connection. Use hashtag #GISHBond and make sure your post is public. The weirder, the wilder the connection, the better.

**Note:** You can be in more than one post.



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GISH App Challenge #3: Handbag Al Dente

It’s Mother’s Day this weekend in the US – Macaroni necklaces are so passé. Everyone knows what moms really love are high-end fashion designer macaroni handbags. Create an haute couture handbag from any or all of the following: macaroni (or any other pasta), beans, or rice, inspired by a maternal figure in your life.

Post a photo featuring your fashion bag artistically displayed to social media (Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook or Instagram) tagged #BagByGISH by 13 May 11:59 PM PT for your chance to win! (Then, give your bag to a mom – if you don’t know one, find a local one on the GISH app!). Ten winners will be rewarded handsomely.


If you want to make it easy for us, you can also submit links to your social media photo posts here:



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